Friday, July 17, 2009

Shared Ideas: Check it out!

Shared Ideas: Check it out!

Check it Out!

We are here to help!!

Check it out!

Lowering costs!

In todays ever changing economy people are struggling in deciding which bills they can pay and which bills they cannot. Many are choosing to not pay for insurance and risk the liability loss or tickets/fines.

You do have options. Shop!!! There are so many agents out there both good and bad. One agent may say they have the best rate, but is looking out for there own interest such as the higher commission. Get several quotes, meet some agents, and see who is working for you!

I would like to meet anyone in Washington, Idaho, and Oregon- my goal is to see if I can beat the price they are paying now or being quoted with the same or better coverage!

Every six or 12 months depending on your policy; I will shop our other companies to see if I can find you a better rate with the same or better coverage.

I have so many discounts available; 15% or better for packaging home/renter's with car policies.

Look forward to being contacted by you!!